MOVEto0 2023 Workshop at ICCSA conference 2023

 ICCSA 2023 – Athens (Greece), July 3-6, 2023

MOVEto0 2023

MOdels and indicators for assessing and measuring the urban settlement deVElopment in the view of ZERO net land take by 2050

The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) re-confirmed the climate goals of the Paris Agreement (limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius). Accelerated action over the next ten years will be required to achieve this important goal, and the issues of land take with its associated loss of biodiversity and fragmentation of natural habitats cannot be left out of these policies. In the last 50 years, land occupation has become more and more important all over the world, leading, in some cases to high density and compact urban settlements, while in other cases dispersed and low-density urban settlements with consequent development of fragmented urban settlements.

In the MOVEto0 workshop we want to focus (mainly) on the development of low-density settlements that have developed for different purposes and various reasons including the need to have an independent home, away from the chaos of the city. Urban extensions, in those cases have thus moved away from the more traditional and recognized dynamics of urban sprawl, acquiring different forms and very low settlement density rates. The phenomenon is aggravated by a
spatial configuration of urban settlements that is fragmented in most cases and characterized by low density.

In recent years, in fact, a new form of urban expansion called urban sprinkling has been recognized and characterized by even lower building density indices than urban sprawl and a pulverization of urban settlements on the territory. This phenomenon has been identified for the first time in Italy
and is precisely representative of some internal western areas that, while recording a declining and/or static demographic variability, have the necessary resources to continue to invest in urbanization processes. Recently, urban sprinkling has also been studied and analyzed in different contexts from Italy, such as in research on continental Portugal and, indirectly in the African cities. The main consequences of urban sprinkling are inefficiencies in the settlement system, mainly concerning transport demand and accessibility to main services, as well as to significant impacts on the environmental components. Examples are the sustainability of the transport system, territorial fragmentation, increased anthropic pressures and the consequent loss of ecosystem services. The MOVEto0 contributions should emphasize the main dynamics of land transformation especially in low-density contexts, comparing them with high-density ones, in order

to detect the positive and negative factors of both. Specifically, we refer to the phenomenon of urban sprinkling, different from urban sprawl and still too little analyzed and identified on the

KEYWORDS: Land take; Urban dispersion; Urban sprinkling; Urban sprawl; Urban shrinkage; land use/cover change; low density settlement; Urban dispersion index; Urban fragmentation; Ecosystem fragmentation; territorial transformations’ sustainability.


Focus of MOVEto0 contributions may include (but is not limited):

  • Urban sprinkling, urban sprawl and new urban transformation dynamics;
  • Monitoring and modeling of urban transformation dynamics in dispersed and low-density settlement contexts;
  • Land cover/land use change and land take;
  • Indicators for monitoring urban transformation;
  • Environmental, economic, and social implications of dispersed, low-density settlement configurations;
  • Analysis of policies and guidelines to manage, control and limit land take with a focus to the future perspectives in view of the achievement of the AGENDA 2030 goals;
  • Indicator for assessing the sustainability of territorial transformation.

Given the focus of the Conference on Computational Science issues, the MOVEto0 workshop welcomes contributions on urban studies, engineering, spatial planning, and computational aspects, proposals and applications from a wide variety of scholars on the issues proposed. Engineers, Urban and Regional Planners, Architects, Geographers, doctors in environmental sciences and Environmental Engineers, among others are welcome to contribute.


  • Lucia Saganeiti 
  • Lorena Fiorini 
  • Angela Pilogallo 
  • Alessandro Marucci 
  • Francesco Zullo

University of L’Aquila, Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering (Italy)


  • April 24, 2023: Deadline for abstract and paper submission
  • April 30, 2023: Notification of Acceptance
  • May 12, 2023: Submission deadline for the final version of the Proceeding Paper (hard deadline)
  • May 12, 2023: Registration ends (hard deadline)
  • July 3-6, 2023: ICCSA 2023 Conference in Athens, Greece


The proceedings of the MOVEto0 2023 Workshop will published by Springer (Lecture Notes in Computer Science series). To submit a paper, please connect to the Submission site from the link available in the ICCSA conference website ( ). Only papers submitted through the electronic system and strictly adhering to the relevant format will be considered for reviewing and publication.

The paper must deal with original and unpublished work. All submissions will be reviewed by three experts in the relevant field. The submitted paper must be camera-ready and formatted according to the LNCS rules. Please consult the formatting information and templates in Author’s Instructions page ( ). Authors can submit either long papers (12 to 18 pages) or short papers (7 to 10 pages).

Please pay attention, when submitting your contribution to select the right entry: “MOdels and indicators for assessing and measuring the urban settlement deVElopment in the view of ZERO net land take by 2050 (MOVEto02023)” in the list to join the workshop.


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