W_01 – Monitoring Land Consumption Using GIS and Remote Sensing


W_01 – Monitoring Land Consumption Using GIS and Remote Sensing
ORGANIZERS: Paolo De Fioravante (ISPRA), Luca Congedo (ISPRA) 

WHEN: 05.09.2023 – 2 PM-4 PM

WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Land consumption is the change of land cover from natural or semi-natural surfaces to artificial surfaces, and therefore is one of the main causes of soil degradation due to human activities. At the International and European level, there are several actions that aim at limiting land consumption and reach the nonet land take by 2050 (European Commission, 2021. Communication. EU Soil Strategy for 2030). Therefore, monitoring land cover and the changes thereof is required to assess the trend of land consumption and guide land planning to a sustainable use of soil. Remote sensing is a valuable resource for monitoring land cover change in an affordable and timely fashion, because of the availability of images acquired frequently and with high spatial resolution.

This workshop aims at illustrating the methodology of land consumption monitoring through photointerpretation and the use of GIS and remote sensing techniques. In particular, the classification system realized by the SNPA (National System for Environmental Protection) will be described, along with examples of photointerpretation and the main GIS tools required for the digitalization of land consumption. Moreover, a methodology will be illustrated which uses remote sensing for the automatic detection of possible changes related to land consumption exploiting Copernicus Sentinel-2 images. The output of the methodology is a mask of changes that can faster the photointerpretation of land consumption.


  • Learning the definition of land consumption and the methodology for monitoring it.
  • Use GIS tools and remote sensing applied to land consumption monitoring.


The installation of QGIS is suggested but not required to follow the presentation.



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